The United Arab Emirates Youth Empowerment Initiative ''An Interactive Discussion With Students At Mount Kigali University''

The United Arab Emirates Youth Empowerment Initiative ''An Interactive Discussion With Students At Mount Kigali University''

In the city of Kigali, Rwanda, there was a big event happening at Mount Kigali University. It was called the United Arab Emirates Youth Empowerment Initiative. This event was all about helping young people feel strong and capable.

Ambassador Hazza Mohammed Falah Kharsan AlQahtani fosters Youth Empowerment

The UAE Ambassador stood before the eager students of Mount Kigali University, his presence commanding attention. With a warm smile, he began to speak, sharing stories of collaboration and friendship between the United Arab Emirates and Rwanda. His words carried a message of hope and possibility, inspiring the young minds before him to dream big and reach for the stars. As he spoke of the UAE's commitment to youth empowerment, the students listened intently, feeling a sense of pride and excitement. His speech sparked a fire within them, igniting a passion to contribute to a brighter future for their country and the world.

One sunny day, students gathered in a big room at the university. They were excited to learn and be inspired. Among them was a student named Aisha. She was in her third year and studying international relations. She was eager to hear what the event had to offer.

two students with a Smart Phone for Best innovative Youth Empowerment presenting their innovative of smart house

During the event, students asked questions and got helpful answers from the Ambassador of UAE. They talked about things like starting businesses and being leaders in their communities and also job opportunity in UAE

The United Arab Emirates Youth Empowerment Initiative had given few Rwandan people and other people from different countries the opportunity to work in UAE and they now  hope for a brighter future. They knew that with hard work and support, they could achieve anything they set their minds to.

The UAE Ambassador prepared to present the award for the best student performance. Students gathered eagerly, their eyes shining with anticipation. As the Ambassador took the stage, he praised the hard work and dedication of the students. With a proud smile, he announced the winner, whose face lit up with joy and pride. It was a moment of celebration and inspiration, as the Ambassador's words encouraged all the students to strive for excellence in their studies and beyond. The award ceremony left a lasting impression on the hearts of the students, filling them with determination to pursue their dreams and make a difference in the world.

Ambassador Hazza Mohammed Falah Kharsan AlQahtani  took the stage and gave the award  to the best student in MKU

This made other students happy and motivated them to work hard also so that I can reach on their dreams 

This picture shows students being happy after 
Ambassador Hazza Mohammed Falah Kharsan AlQahtani fosters Youth Empowerment stage.
He invited us as students to apply in UEA and he promised us that there are many jobs o


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