Central Africa: The Rwandan army provided free medical services to the population

Central Africa: The Rwandan army provided free medical services to the population

The Rwandan army, which is part of the (Battle Group VI), working in the mission of the United Nations in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), provided free medical services to the people of Bria, a village in Dahouga.

In the event that took place on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, the medical services provided focused on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as malaria, respiratory diseases and those with stomach problems.

Residents are also screened for non-communicable diseases including blood pressure and weight, and are offered dental and eye care services.

The Mayor of Bria, Mr. Maurice Balekouzou, praised the good relations and strong friendship between Rwandans and Central Africans. He also thanked the Rwandan Armed Forces who are part of the MINUSCA mission for their great support in providing medical care to the people, which improves the general well-being of the people.

Lt Col Tharcisse MPFIZI, Commander of Battle Group VI, said that in addition to protecting civilians, the Rwandan peacekeeping forces in Central Africa are committed to improving the welfare of the people they protect.

This includes providing essential health services to improve the lives of the people of Central Africa. He also emphasized that they will continue to cooperate with the people in fulfilling their responsibility to support and maintain peace and security in the Central African Republic.


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